Monday, May 18, 2009

The Merc gets a Big Bro

So the crappy £450 van I bought to move home was well shit so gave it a make over gona use it this summer just need to sort out the inside a bit so its sleepable!! cipable well so you can sleep in the fucker!!

Just need some M14 1.5 17 bolts but 60mm long so i can get me 14" wheels on but cant find any at the mo!!!!!!!

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KauwaBeachClub, tikiville
Right fother muckers this is one of 2 ongoing blogs. Firstly "KauwaBeachClub" my original blog which is about Tiki, car and bikes and well "lifestyle" whatever that means!! If your reading this and thinking WTF then your looking at JapRod the second blog which is about Japenese american influnced cars and its a bit slow on there sorry!